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Monday, November 15, 2010

Diet and activities for depressed people: A way to recover your depression problem

It is well known that depressed people needs more care and attention from their family and relatives. In fact, they are also required to have a nutritious and balanced diet. There are so many people are available in the world that has a query that what we should give to eat and what activities we will offer depressed people to do. Well, to cope with the queries of these people we are offering you some of the essential tips of a balanced diet and activities for those who are suffering with Depression Symptoms. These tips can include:

The first and foremost tips for depressed people is that to consume foods which are rich in Vitamins especially vitamin B. This will give a positive effect on the mood of a depressed person.
If the patient feels sullen and morose all the time then, it is sure that he or she must ne suffering from Iron deficiency. In that case, you should start having foods that are rich in iron such as legumes, apples, fortified cereals, kale, quinoa and other green leafy vegetables, and also the vitamin C-rich food items like lemon juice etc. These all are include in Healthy eating diet plan for depressed people.
In this, the co-operation of family members supports a lot for depressed people. It is a duty for family members and relatives to motivate and stimulate the depressed people a lot.
They are also required to get out of the house or a room and meet new people by joining a new club gym, classes and many more activities.
Doing regular exercise can also reduce the Depression Symptoms.
Furthermore, studies also revealed that carbohydrates are the great sources that are able to handle stress in a much better way than those who consume low carbohydrates foods. Therefore, it is said that carbohydrate inHealthy eating diet plan raises the level of tryptophan in the brain, which helps the body in making happy feeling in the depressed patient.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It has been noted in a research that over 30 % of the world population is suffering from the Diabetes Disease. However, Diabetes is a condition when the body has high level of blood glucose and the flow of the excess glucose in the urine. It is also known as a chronic nutritional disorder. There are basically two types of diabetes:

· Type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent diabetes)

· Type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabetes)

Both have they own system and cure. But the basic precautions for diabetes problem is very easy that that can easily be follow and home which is also known as Home remedies that helps the body to easily cure themselves without any hassle. Moreover, these home remedies include:

· Avoid eating starchy food in your diet.

· Take fewer amounts of oil foods.

· Avoid taking alcohol, sugar, refined flour and coffee.

· Eat fruits and milk products like cheese and curd in your diet.

· Take bean, sprouts, onions, tomatoes and garlic, as they lower the level of Sugar.

· Restrict intake or excess salt and the mutton. It will help you in controlling your body weight and diabetes.

· Take low fat foods in your diet and include green vegetables like spinach and cucumber.

· Live stress less life, as it will worsen the conditions.

· There is no restriction on eating soya and fish for a diabetic patients.

· It is an advice to diabetic patient that to eat herbs like fenugreek and bitter gourd, as they are excellent bitter herbs for them.

· No need to take heavy meals. It is better to take small foods that are easily digestible and are good for the health of diabetic patient.

· Avoid eating rice, white bread, potatoes and sugary food in your diet.

· Go for a daily walk for at least 20 minute, twice a day.

· You can also join yoga and fitness clubs that helps you a lot in your diabetes etc.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How to get rid of from pimples problem

Pimples are the most annoying part of life that usually starts appearing in preteens or teenage years. It usually cause problem because as they appear right on your face - the only place people usually look first when meeting you. However, they can also show up on your arms, neck, back and other parts of your body. These pimples can problem when you are going to attend a school function, a job interview or other type of event in your life where you want to look your best.

Sometimes you simply cover it up with makeup just won't do the trick and usually makes it worse by contributing to the bacteria in the pimple. Moreover, if you want that pimple to go away and disappear quickly and naturally then, are several tips are given that helps you to get rid of pimples problem quickly.

· If you want to must pop a pimple yourself, apply a hot, wet compress until it becomes a whitehead, sterilize a needle in alcohol or flame and then carefully lance it. Then, squeeze it gently to drain and wash both the area of the pimple and your hands afterwards.

· You can also try an ice treatment by holding an ice pack or some ice cubes in a towel on the pimple for a couple minutes every half an hour.

· Switch to a makeup which is not oil based as it can irritate your skin and clog your pores etc.

· Wash your makeup off every night before sleeping.

· Increase your water consumption as this will help your body to easily flush out the harmful toxins.

· Aloe Vera can also help you get rid of this pimple problem.

· You can also try a little bit of toothpaste. Really, wipe it onto the pimple and gently rub it in. This can actually help to reduce the pimple by drying it out.

· You can also create a cleanser with water and baking soda. And use it gently to clean your skin and affected area(s).